National Campaign for Transit Justice

What is the National Campaign for Transit Justice?

The National Campaign for Transit Justice works to ensure Congress invests in the future of public transit. We believe transit is essential and must be a priority for decision-makers. The campaign organizes with its partners to ensure that critical investments are made to expand access to public transit systems. The campaign is supported by a broad range of organizations across the country and coordinated by Just Strategy, a national center for organizing. To learn more about our work, click here

What’s the connection between the National Campaign for Transit Justice and Week Without Driving?

Many of the local organizations that the National Campaign for Transit Justice works with are committed to participating in the Week Without Driving to draw attention to our vision that transit is essential, providing everyone with a clean and affordable way to get around. Transit drives economic growth, advances equity, and cools the planet. The Week Without Driving allows us to work with local organizations to ask elected officials to support policies that invest in our public transit system. 

I support the National Campaign for Transit Justice, how can I get my public officials to participate in the Week Without Driving?

If you are interested in reaching out to your elected officials, please email us at

Visit the National Campaign for Transit Justice Week Without Driving website here.